To improve the quality of Thai students following national strategies, students must be fostered to acquire five characteristics according to the findings of the Faculty of Education (Chiang Mai University Demonstration School):
1. Be an innovator
a. Use processes of critical thinking to produce work that uses the problems around them as a basis for learning
b. Link their reading to international language and create new technology.
c. Solve problems using a mixed and multi-strategy approach
2. Keeping up with change and being adaptable.
a. Solve problems and use it as a challenge to evolve.
b. Becoming a technology savvy person
c. The perfect information analyst
3. To be a person in a learning society
a. Understand and accept differences
b. Appreciate the value of sharing
4. To have a better quality of life through environmentally friendly living.
a. Head Heart-Health-Happiness stability
b. Conservationist and environmentalist
c. The perfect resource manager
d. Appreciation for the environment
5. To become a good Thai citizen of the world.
a. Be cautious when it comes to establishing a local identity.
b. Be proud to be Thai
c. Act properly and ethically.